Installing AeroPlus
AeroPlus runs on your Mac or Windows computer as either a native Java application or you can run AeroPlus simply within your favorite webbrowser. The Java version of AeroPlus offers a better user experience compared to the webbrowser version when doing administrative tasks. Both the Java application as well as the browser version of AeroPlus offer you the same functionality but the presentation on screen might be a little different. Our advise is to install the Java version of AeroPlus on your PC or Mac desktop or notebook at home or at the aeroclub or flightschool if you are an administrator or instructor and to use the webbrowser version when you need access to your AeroPlus account while on the go, to make reservations as pilot and when using the computer of someone else. We will cover how to install the Java application further on. For the browser version of AeroPlus you don't have to install anything. However, you need to have a modern up-to-date browser installed on your computer such as Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome or a recent release of Microsoft Internet Explorer. For both the Java version as well as the webbrowser version your computer needs to be connected to the internet in order to be able to work with it. AeroPlus Mobile gives you the opportunity to use your iPhone or iPad to make reservations and administer your flight afterwards by making a journal or flightlog booking of the flight details. The native iPhone | iPad app is available for free from the Apple App Store.
Logging in
Use either a webbrowser to access the AeroPlus application or use the Java application which can be installed on your desktop, notebook PC or Mac as a basis for working with AeroPlus. While away from your desktop you can login into AeroPlus using a webbrowser on any computer connected to the internet when using e.g. a computer in a flight briefing room on at an airport or when using the computer in the lobby of a hotel. The webbrowser version of AeroPlus can also be used on tablet pc's or smartphones utilizing the webbrowser on these devices. If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can also download the native AeroPlus Mobile app for free from the Apple App Store or use the Safari webbrowser installed on the iPad.
AeroPlus is also available as a native mobile application for the iPhone and iPad. You can download this app for free from the Apple App Store using iTunes. AeroPlus Mobile does offer a limited set of functionality as compared to the Java or webbased application and actually interacts and exchanges its information with the online AeroPlus system. If your iPad is equipped with a SIMcard and data subscription, then both your iPhone or iPad can be used while underway to keep track of or adjust your reservations and journal of flightlog bookings. The information is synchronised either while connected to the Internet or later when you have an internet connection again. In the last situation, the iPhone | iPad app temporarily stores the information e.g. on your flightlog or journal on your iPhone or iPad until it can deliver this information over the internet to our server.
Configuring AeroPlus
Logging in as administrator gives you extra options and menu items to choose from. This allows you to configure AeroPlus for your specific use.
As an administrator you get not only additional menu items in the lefthand menubar, but also new options available within most of the menu options and forms.
AeroPlus can be used to create and file ICAO flightplans. At the moment FAA flightplans as used in the US are not supported, but you can file ICAO flightplans for flights in the US using AeroPlus as well. Flightplans can also be created using our AeroPlus FlightPlan Filing iPhone app. In you have both an AeroPlus account as well as the iPhone app, then the flightplans filed using your iPhone will also appear in your AeroPlus account and show up here in the "My FlightPlans" menu. The other way around works then as well. You can prepare a flightplan in the AeroPlus application in your webbrowser or the Java application and synchronize the flightplan with your iPhone app and file it from your mobile phone.
A non-administrative AeroPlus user can see all flights in the aircraft journal but can export only his own journal bookings to Excel or several logbook formats such as LogTen Pro for Mac and iPhone/iPad and Logbook Pro for Windows. As an administrator you get extra options and are allowed to export all the flights in the flightlog to Excel.
As an administrator you have extra options available in the <My Contacts> menu as well. It is here that you can store information about each member of your aeroclub or flightschool (student) pilot. Some of this information is only visible to you as administrator or to instructors, such as the progress reports of student pilots or the option to print access cards.
Setting up AeroPlus to meet your company, aeroclub or flightschool needs is for a large part done by the administrator(s) through the "App Preferences" menu in the lefthand side menubar. AeroPlus can be configured to meet your needs.
In the aircraft menu you can configure your fleet of aircraft.
Maintenance is scheduled through the maintenance menu item in the left menu. This menu is only available to administrators and engineers.
The instructor is a specified role within AeroPlus. Instructors can update the progress reports of student pilots and they can specify their own timeschedule so that studentpilots can reserve flying lessons together with an instructor and match the availability of an aircraft with that of an instructor. If a pilot is not checked out on a specific aircraft and as thus not linked to that aircraft, then that pilot can still make a reservation on that aircraft, but only when booked together with an instructor. So, in that case the availability of an instructor needs to be available from within AeroPlus.
The <Invoices> menu option in the left menu is visible only to administrators. Non-administrative users only have the <My invoices> menu available to them showing them financial information relevant to them only.
The document repository allows you to upload documents for your aeroclub or flightschool (student)pilots to download. You can think about Pilot Operating Manuals of your aircraft, checklists, Standard Operating Procedure documents, VFR approach charts or other documents. While you can upload new documents and delete them, your non-administrative users can only view and download these documents.
As administrator or superuser you can export all reservations, flights, addresses and contact information and the maintenance log from AeroPlus to Microsoft Excel.
AeroPlus does include a fully documented application programming interface (API) which can be used to link AeroPlus to other business applications. Contact us for more information.
Working with AeroPlus
General overview of the features available within AeroPlus.
One of the main features of AeroPlus is that you can make aviation related reservations for shared aircraft or flying lessons at your flightschool or aeroclub.
AeroPlus can be used to create and file ICAO flightplans. At the moment FAA flightplans are not supported. The flightplans filed using the AeroPlus Flightplan iPhone app will also appear in your AeroPlus account and show up in the "My FlightPlans" menu.
AeroPlus not only helps you schedule your flight or flying lesson, but helps aeroclubs and flightschools with the administrative tasks associated with flying. They will invoice you most likely based on what you fill in after your flight in the paper aircraft journal. Besides that you are legally bound to fill in the paper aircraft journal, you can now also fill in the flight details within AeroPlus as a digital flightlog entry. This will speed up and ease the administrative process for your flightschool or aeroclub. In addition, you will be able to keep track of flying costs not yet invoiced to you and invoices received using AeroPlus right from within AeroPlus.
The journal entries presented on screen in AeroPlus are a digital version of the paper journal of an aircraft. However, you can export your own journal bookings to Excel as well as to some popular personal logbook formats such as LogTen Pro for Mac or LogBook Pro for Windows.
Depending on how your flightschool or aircraftclub configured AeroPlus, you can contact other pilots of your aircraftclub or instructors and administrators of your flightschool using AeroPlus. New messages will appear in your inbox, such as notifications of new reservations added in AeroPlus for you. You can get a notification by SMS, email or even as a Twitter direct message of changes to your reservations or important events taking place such as warnings and system alerts.
AeroPlus can not only handle the planning aspects of fllying but also the financial side of it. As a pilot you can get detailed information on invoices issued to you and on items such as flights and landings costs not yet invoiced to you. Personal expenses you made such as filling up the gas abroad where you want to declare to costs for it to the aeroclub or flightschool can also be managed from within AeroPlus.
Through the left menu option "My preferences" you can set preferences such as your address, mobile phone number (needed in order to be able to receive SMS messages), your invoicing address or your messaging and alerting settings.
View aircraft you are linked to and find you how you are charged for flying them.
AeroPlus Mobile
AeroPlus is also available for your iPad or iPhone. Note: At this moment one of our apps is being revised and is not available in the Apple AppStore. The apps give you the freedom to check the availability of an aircraft while you are underway, check the weathter while enroute and to file your flightplans directly from your iPhone while travelling. You can e.g. extend your reservation if you are at your destination airport and would like to stay a little longer before flying back home. Or you can create a new reservation while travelling. After landing you can make the journal entry right there on your iPad or iPhone and you don't need to find a computer connected to the internet in the hangar to finish this job. Flight instructors can keep track all day of the instruction lessons scheduled for them and keep the bookkeeping up-to-date by filling in the journal or flightlog after each flight from their iPad.
Getting help
You can use our support system to submit and manage your support requests. All the support questions submitted should be formatted in the English language as our support staff might not be able to understand another language. If you prefer to communicate in your own language you should contact your local AeroPlus dealer or sales representative.
During daytime (European Central Time) support staff might be online.