A non-administrative AeroPlus user can see all flights in the aircraft journal but can export only his own journal bookings to Excel or several logbook formats such as LogTen Pro for Mac and iPhone/iPad and Logbook Pro for Windows. As an administrator you get extra options and are allowed to export all the flights in the flightlog to Excel.

Flights menu

In the flights menu you now have extra options available as administrator. You can edit, add or delete any flight which is not "invoiced and posted" yet. Journal bookings or logbook entries of flights are at the basis of AeroPlus. By keeping track of flightlegs in AeroPlus, our software can create "items to be invoiced" and related invoices. "Items to be invoiced" are all flightcosts and other costs which are not yet grouped together on a consolidated invoice and send to the members of your aeroclub or the student pilots of your flightschool.. As long as you have not send the invoice to your pilots you can change the flightlog entries and the related "items to be invoiced" and items on "invoices" which are not yet "send and posted" will change accordingly. Once you "send and post" invoices, the related "items to be invoiced" will disappear (they are now on the invoice as well as that the proof documents attached will move to the related invoices) and the related flightlog will be frozen and cannot be changed anymore. As an administrator you are also entitled to export all the flights to Excel. A non-administrator can only export his own flights or flightlog entries. As an administrator you can also instantly create an invoice directly from flightlog entry, e.g. when you want to create a counter invoice. Once a flightlog or journal booking has been make, AeroPlus updates the status of the aircraft for its maintenance schedule as well. Maybe pilots fill in the paper aircraft journal afterwards as AeroPlus has added the hobbs, tacho and engine times and shows these values correctly in the list of journal bookings.