AeroPlus can be used to create and file ICAO flightplans. At the moment FAA flightplans as used in the US are not supported, but you can file ICAO flightplans for flights in the US using AeroPlus as well. Flightplans can also be created using our AeroPlus FlightPlan Filing iPhone app. In you have both an AeroPlus account as well as the iPhone app, then the flightplans filed using your iPhone will also appear in your AeroPlus account and show up here in the "My FlightPlans" menu. The other way around works then as well. You can prepare a flightplan in the AeroPlus application in your webbrowser or the Java application and synchronize the flightplan with your iPhone app and file it from your mobile phone.
AeroPlus is able to file flightplans directly into the system, so that the airports and flight information regions will automatically be notified. You are only allowed to file flightplans using AeroPlus if you have a valid pilot license. You have to fill in your pilot license in the "My Preferences" menu. Each flightplan message send out by a pilot or administrator of an aeroclub, flightschool or aerodrome operator using AeroPlus results in a charge to the aeroclub, flightschool or aerodrome for sending out the flightplan message. Filing a flightplan is one message. Sending a delay message is another message. In most cases you do not have to open or close your flightplan yourself. The tower takes care of this, but make sure that they do. The costs for flightplan messages are the same as for receiving SMS notification messages and can be checked on our website. As an administrator can configure AeroPlus so that these charges will appear automatically on the invoices of your pilots. In that case the flightplan and SMS messages initiated by your pilots will be automatically charged to them on their next invoice you give or send them. We monitor the correct delivery of the flightplan. A succesfully delivered flightplan will be reported back to the application. You will notice the status change in the list of flightplans by status name and coloured icon.
You can search and filter (1) the list of flightplans on ICAO code or aircraft identification. The status of each flightplan is shown in the last column with a colored icon (2). If the flightplan has been succesfully delivered, the icon is green. If it has been sent but no delivery confirmation has been received yet, the colour of the icon is yellow. If an error occurs in sending the flightplan and there is no positive confirmation that we could deliver the flightplan the colour of the icon will be red. If the flightplan is not filed yet and the data in the flightplan is incomplete, the colour of the icon is orange. If the flightplan has not been submitted yet but is completely filled in, the status of the icon will be blue. If the flightplan was created and filed from your iPhone instead of your PC this will be noted as well (3). You can duplicate flightplans or save them as templates (4).