You can use our support system to submit and manage your support requests. All the support questions submitted should be formatted in the English language as our support staff might not be able to understand another language. If you prefer to communicate in your own language you should contact your local AeroPlus dealer or sales representative.
There are two ways you can submit a support request. The first is by submitting a ticket by e-mail by sending an e-mail message to The second option is to use our support system at
Select "Submit a Ticket" from the homepage or our support website and select the AeroPlus support department. Select "Next" to complete your support question submission. You can also attach documents and set a priority.
If you have more than one non-related support issues, send each issue as a seperate request, so that we can monitor each of the issues on its own. If you want to keep track of the issues you can create your own account on our support system and submit your requests under your own account. This allows you to see which items are still open or which support requests are closed by our support staff.