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Using the AeroPlus mobile apps for iPhone and iPad

AeroPlus is also available for your iPad or iPhone. Note: At this moment one of our apps is being revised and is not available in the Apple AppStore. The apps give you the freedom to check the availability of an aircraft while you are underway, check the weathter while enroute and to file your flightplans directly from your iPhone while travelling. You can e.g. extend your reservation if you are at your destination airport and would like to stay a little longer before flying back home. Or you can create a new reservation while travelling. After landing you can make the journal entry right there on your iPad or iPhone and you don't need to find a computer connected to the internet in the hangar to finish this job. Flight instructors can keep track all day of the instruction lessons scheduled for them and keep the bookkeeping up-to-date by filling in the journal or flightlog after each flight from their iPad.

Our iPhone and iPad apps

AeroPlus offers several native iPhone and iPad apps which are available for download from the Apple AppStore. Search in iTunes for "aeroplus" and see what we have to offer.

AeroPlus Mobile for iPhone and iPad splash screen

Configuring the iPhone or iPad app

Most important thing to do after installing AeroPlus on your iPhone or iPad is to fill in your AeroPlus username and password (1) and to select an aircraft (2). If you are only linked to one aircraft, the app will select the correct aircraft for you. Then pressing "Done" or "Refresh data" to synchronize the data in the AeroPlus online application with that on your iPhone or iPad and you are ready to go.

Making reservations from your iPhone or iPad

For this your iPhone or iPad needs to be online with a dataconnection so that the latest status information on the actual reservations can be retreived from the online AeroPlus application.

Creating flightlog or journal entries after landing

You can create a flightlog or journal entry when online with your iPhone or iPad with a dataconnection as well as when you are offline or in "airplane mode". In that case AeroPlus Mobile will store your flightlog on your iPhone or iPad until you are back online and refresh data from within the app at that time. Don't forget to go online within AeroPlus to submit the flights you made while not having access to your datanetwork on your mobile or iPad.